JIFFL is dedicated solely to part-time recruitment. Designed around your needs, it lets you stay efficient and flexible. Using AI and intelligent data, we’ll match your vacancies with job seeker profiles, perfectly.
Your first hire is on us. After that, we’ve got affordable plans to suit all your needs. We’re fully transparent, with no commission fees and offering all our features in each plan. And you can cancel anytime. It’s part-time recruitment, done in a JIFFL.
1st job ad for free
All platform features unlocked
No expiry until you hire
Simply sign up today
For a single hire
No recurring costs
AI enhanced shortlisting
Video bios and digital interviews
Web browser and mobile App
Includes 2 job ads per month
Rolling subscription for steady growth
AI enhanced shortlisting
Video bios and digital interviews
Web browser and mobile App
Includes 4 job ads per month
Rolling subscription for team expansion
AI enhanced shortlisting
Video bios and digital interviews
Web browser and mobile App
Includes 10 job ads per month
Rolling subscription for team expansion
AI enhanced shortlisting
Video bios and digital interviews
Web browser and mobile App
Still got any questions? Get in touch HERE.
Why wade through vacancies, when JIFFL can match your profile to the roles that suit you? Not only will you save time. You’ll have a better chance of being hired for the roles you apply for.
Connect directly with employers on one easy platform. From applications and virtual interviews, to video bios and more, JIFFL makes it simple.